Pelatihan “Calculating Carbon Footprint Workshop” Universitas Pertamina

Pelatihan | 24 Oktober 2022 00:00 wib

Direktorat Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni Universitas Pertamina bekerja sama dengan Komunitas Migas Indonesia dan Berau Veritas Indonesia mengadakan pelatihan “Calculating Carbon Footprint Workshop” pada hari Selasa, 18 Oktober 2022. Acara tersebut diselenggarakan secara hybrid di Gedung GOR ABC...More

Lowongan Kerja PT. Geoservices

Lowongan | 21 Oktober 2022 00:00 wib

PT Geoservices has a solid base of expertise covering all aspects of the exploration and development of Indonesia’s oil, gas, coal, mineral, and geothermal industries. PT GEOSERVICES internationally known for expertise and reliability in all areas of its activities. The growth of the company’s...More

Wirausaha Muda Mandiri 2022

Kewirausahaan | 20 Oktober 2022 14:53 wib

Hai, Global Leaders! Telah dibuka Wirausaha Muda Mandiri 2022! Punya bisnis yang udah jalan selama 4 tahun? Bergerak di bidang: - Boga - Kreatif - Teknologi - Sosial daftar di kategori Business Existing karena hadiah pendanaan total Rp2 Miliar menanti!

Lowongan Kerja PT Sanghiang Perkasa (KALBE Nutritionals)

Lowongan Pekerjaan | 19 Oktober 2022 16:27 wib

Posisi: - Field Management Trainer - E-commerce Supervisor - Modern Trade Mini Market - Partnership Account Specialist - Business Partner Training Supervisor - Medical Account Executive - Financial Planning & Analyst - Finance Accounting Reporting - Key Account Manager

Lowongan Kerja PQM Consultants

Lowongan | 19 Oktober 2022 00:00 wib

We are an established and reputable Management Consulting company specializing in Productivity and Quality Improvement. We believe sustainable improvement can only happen through people development. We have existed for 35 years with great list of clients. ...More