Info Session Magister Scholarship Central South University, China

Event | 27 Mei 2024 15:04 wib Hello Global Leaders! Join us for an exclusive Info Session on the S2 Scholarship Program at Central South University, China.
The Masters Scholarship Program is a collaboration between the Indonesian Government, GEM CO. LTD & Central South University (Top Universities in China, #209 U.S. News; #452 QS).

Date: Friday, May 31st, 2024
Open Gate: 01.00 PM
Venue: GOR ABC Universitas Pertamina

This event is open to students and alumni from all majors at Universitas Pertamina.

Registration link:
Registration deadline: Thursday, May 30th, 2024

Don’t miss this chance to learn more about exciting opportunities for your future! See you there! #Scholarship #CSU #LPDP #GEMCOLTD #StudyinChina
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